Brand : Renishaw
QC20 Wireless Ballbar
The Renishaw QC20 is the latest generation Bluetooth ballbar diagnostic tool, building on the success of Renishaw's QC20-W ballbar system. The new QC20 ballbar offers quickest, easiest, and most effective way to monitor machine tool performance. The QC20 ballbar rapidly forms a robust wireless connection with the PC, offering enhanced Bluetooth technology with superior power efficiency and a substantially longer battery life. The QC20 ballbar allows users to benchmark and track the performance of their machines, and to quickly diagnose problems that may require maintenance and the error sources that produce them.
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Renishaw`s QC20 wireless ballbar offers you quick, easy and effective way to monitor machine tool mechanical condition. The QC20-W is a high accuracy, telescoping linear sensor with precision balls at each end. In use the balls are kinematically located between precision magnetic cups, one attached to the machine table and the other to the machine spindle or spindle housing. This arrangement enables the ballbar to measure minute variations in radius as the machine follows a programmed circular path. The data collected is used to calculate overall measures of positioning accuracy (circularity, circular deviation) in accordance with international standards such as ISO 230-4 and ASME B5.54, or Renishaw`s own analysis reports. Data is displayed graphically as well as in numeric format to aid and support diagnosis. The QC20-W kit contains the following items...
- QC20 wireless ballbar (and one CR2 battery)
- Center pivot
- Tool cup
- Extension bars – 50mm, 150mm and 300mm
- Glass calibrator
- Downloadable system software (including manuals)
- Setting ball
- Machine validation cards
- Calibration certificate
- Bluetooth® adaptor
- System carry case
- 1 year factory warranty