Brand : Renishaw
Renishaw RTP20 a low-cost motorized head that works with CMMs allowing 168 repeatable postions.
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Renishaw RTP20 a low-cost motorized head working with the TP20 touch-trigger probe, providing improved productivity, increased reach and flexibility allowing 168 repeatable positions in 15-degree increments.
Automated indexing of the RTP20 probe head is realized through an innovative process which uses the motion of a CMM to achieve ‘motorized’ head style operation. This indexing process comprises three operations as follows:
• An external locking lever on the probe head is driven against a dedicated sphere mounted to a pole located on the bed of the CMM, thus unlocking the head.
• The CMM motion is then used to engage a drive-cup, located in the head’s A-axis swivel, with the pole mounted sphere, enabling rotation of the head in the A and B axes, by driving around the pole. Both axes can be re-orientated using the same unlock operation, increasing the efficiency of the operation. Once the head is in position, the drive-cup is disengaged from the sphere.
• The indexing operation is completed by again using the CMM motion to operate the locking lever against the pole-mounted sphere, thus locking the head. The head is now ready to measure a feature.